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TechX interview with Eng. Adel Alkaff Alhashmi on the topic "Securing Future: Digital Safety for Children

Message from eSafe COP Award 2023 Chairman

Dear Participant,
        Warmest greetings from Dubai!! As we gather for another year, I extend a heartfelt welcome to the eSafe 2nd International Conference, themed "Students Well-being in Physical and Virtual World”.

In alignment with the steadfast commitment of the UAE leadership to safeguarding children from online risks, this international conference serves as a crucial platform for government bodies, private sector organizations, and educational institutions to unite their efforts in ensuring the well-being of our youth.

Today's children navigate a world that exists both online and offline. With more youngsters accessing the internet from an early age, it is paramount to address the growing array of online threats. Together, we must explore ways to minimize potential harm and simultaneously empower our children for learning, engagement, innovation, and creativity.

We believe in proactive engagement with our young digital citizens, listening to their concerns, understanding their vulnerabilities, and forging strong partnerships with all stakeholders. Our commitment remains unwavering - to create a secure, enriching digital environment for our children..    Read more

eSafe COP Award 2023 Winners

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Private Schools:
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H.E Nahyan bin Mabarak Al Nahyan Inaugurates “Children’s Well-being in a Digital World” International Conference

Children's Well-being in a Digital World International Conference organized by the emirates Safer Internet Society (eSafe) in Abu Dhabi to commemorate the Safer Internet Day 2023 was a huge success. In attendance were over 200 participants from government entities, international and national non-government organizations, academia, tech industry and

The Emirates Safer Internet Society (eSafe) Organized an International Conference Entitled "Children's Well-being in a Digital World" on 6th February 2023 in Abu Dhabi to Commemorate the Safer Internet Day 2023.

The Emirates Safer Internet Society (eSafe) organized an international conference entitled "Children's Well-being in a Digital World" on 6th February 2023 in Abu Dhabi to commemorate the Safer Internet Day 2023.

"Another Successful eSafe Conference has Come to a Close, and We Couldn't be More Thrilled!

Dear everyone,

I, Jayesh Sebastian, the Conference Director of the #eSafe International Conference on "Children's Well-being in a Digital World", would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made the event a grand success. The conference held on Monday, 6th February 2023 at Anantara Eastern Mangroves Hotel, Abu Dhabi, was a great platform

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